Nevertheless, there are still many defects in criminal appeal system, which cause great controversy in theoretical circles and many problems in practice. 尽管如此,我国刑事申诉制度仍有许多不尽如人意之处,在理论界引起了极大的争议,在实践中存在诸多问题。
The improvement of criminal appeal system is related to the safeguard of parties'procedural rights and stabilization of effective verdicts. 刑事申诉制度的完善与否涉及当事人合法诉讼权利的保障与裁判的稳定性。
China's Criminal Appeal Procedure and the Improvement of the Main Difficulties 我国刑事上诉程序的主要困境及其改进
On Generalization Of Judicial Power And Difficulties About Criminal Appeal System Reform 司法权的泛化与刑事上诉制度改革的困境
The right to appeal is constitutional in nature and the criminal right to appeal is no exception. 诉权本身具有宪法权利属性,刑事诉权也不例外。
Whether or not the criminal appeal system is reasonably designed concerns the stability of effective judgment or order of the people's court, concerns the justice of the enforcement of the state's power of punishment as well as the guarantee of rights of contesting parties. 刑事申诉制度的设计是否科学,不但关系到人民法院生效刑事判决或者裁定的稳定性,也关系到国家刑罚权实施的公正性以及诉讼当事人的权利保护。
A Tentative Study of the Establishment of the Chinese Criminal Suspects 'Appeal System 我国犯罪嫌疑人申诉制度构建初探
Chapter One defines criminal appeal system and related concepts, and analyzes their connotation and nature. 第一章主要是对刑事申诉制度的内涵、性质,以及与刑事申诉相关的几个概念从理论上加以分析和界定,并考察了我国刑事申诉制度的产生及立法规定。
The thesis is about the theory and system of the criminal extraordinary appeal. 本文从理论和制度两个方面对刑事再审程序进行研究。
Finally part I analyzes the shortcomings of the procedure of a criminal appeal, i.e., delaying the ending of a case involved and increasing the cost of a action, and lists some solutions to the above-mentioned shortcomings according to experiences abroad. 最后,分析了上诉审程序的局限性,即延缓了最终结案和增加诉讼成本,并且针对上诉审程序的局限性列举了国外主要的解决办法。
This article, first of all, provides the author's definition and characteristics of the procedure of a criminal appeal. 第一部分为概述。文章首先对上诉审程序的概念和特征进行了界定、说明。
Chapter one, the summary about criminal victim and appeal right. 第一章刑事被害人及其上诉权概述。
Therefore, there should be different remedy manner in the criminal appeal procedures. 表现在刑事上诉程序中,也体现出不同的救济方式。
To strengthen the research in this aspect will be helpful for us to understand and construct a scientific criminal appeal procedure. 加强对程序法律错误救济问题的研究,有助于我们正确理解并构建科学合理的刑事上诉程序。
Criminal appeal system is related to the protection of the parties'rights, the stability of verdicts and the realization of social justice. 刑事申诉制度涉及到当事人合法权利的保障与裁判的稳定性,关系到社会正义的实现。
Perfecting criminal appeal system should be based on the concept of harmonious society. 应当以构建和谐社会为指导思想,完善我国刑事申诉制度。
It is necessary to try the criminal appeal case completely and it is a measure of deepening the reform of the pattern of criminal appeal trial. 刑事二审案件全面开庭审理,是深化刑事二审庭审方式改革的举措,有其必要性。
Discussion About Some Problems of Criminal Appeal System 我国刑事申诉制度若干问题之探讨
Part II is about the structure of the procedure of a criminal appeal. 第二部分为上诉审的结构。
Study on Effective Criminal Adjudication Appeal System 刑事生效裁判申诉制度研究
Then it summarizes the functions of the procedure of a criminal appeal, which are as follows: the functions of relieving, the function of unifying the application of laws and the function of safeguarding the dignity of the laws. 其次,对上诉审程序的功能予归纳,认为上诉审程序具有救济、统一法律适用和维护司法权威的功能。
In Chapter Three, it mainly deals with the concept and nature of the Criminal Appeal. 第三章主要论述了申诉的概念和性质。
Chapter Two reviews the historical background and the evolution of criminal appeal system in both China and foreign countries. 第二章侧重于介绍外国刑事申诉制度产生的时代背景、历史沿革和立法现状。
Criminal appeal system is one of the basic systems of criminal proceedings in China. 刑事申诉制度是我国刑事诉讼的基本制度之一。
The criminal appeal trail in the course of the retrial is point to the criminal procedure, there will be court of first instance substantive or procedural problems without the effective verdict revoked, back to the court for a new judging. 刑事诉讼二审发回重审是指在刑事诉讼中,第二审法院通过审查,将第一审法院存在实体性或者程序性问题的未生效判决予以撤销,发回原审法院重新审理。
There is an affinity between the Criminal trial appeal system and the Criminal Retrial system. 刑事审判申诉制度与刑事再审制度关系密切。
Take the Chinese and western criminal appeal system history as the research objects to know more details of the Chinese and foreign criminal appeal system development skeleton, by using the means of historical analysis and comparison analysis. 以中西方刑事申诉制度发展史为研究对象,以历史分析法和比较分析法为手段,对中外刑事申诉制度发展脉络有比较细致的把握。
Our goal is to clear off the right of suit related question which in the criminal appeal involves. 目的是理清刑事公诉中涉及的诉权相关问题。
Therefore, to create a good environment, broaden the trial supervision case trial supervision mode, pay more attention to the livelihood of the policy requirements, it is criminal appeal cases handled should pay close attention to the new direction. 因此,营造良好的审判监督办案环境、拓宽审判监督方式、更注重适应民生的政策要求,这都是刑事申诉案件办理中要关注的新的方向。
As a long-term goal, the author suggests to build a practical criminal appeal system, fundamentally change the appeal, the present situation of low rate income v.. 作为长期目标,笔者建议构建切实可行的刑事申诉体系,从根本上改变申诉多、息诉率低的现状。